Rotating Lafforgue's Field Propulsion Thrusters
Twin-LFPT experiment
Built and tested by
Jean-Louis Naudin
created on January
20, 2002 - JLN Labs - Last
update February 6, 2002
informations in this page are published free and are intended for
private/educational purposes and not for commercial applications
This is a new test about the Field Propulsion Thruster ( LFPT v1.0 ) patented by Lafforgue ( patent FR 2651388 ).
Tested apparatus description :
I have used one LFPT v1.0 unit ( already tested on January 20, 2002 ) and built another unit fully identical to the first one. These two LFPT have been mounted on a rotating arm and suspended through a thin copper wire used as torsion wire. The LFPT asymmetrical capacitors have been connected in parallel. The external armatures have been connected to the suspension wire and the middle armatures to the High Voltage power supply as shown in the photo below.
Amount of precautions have been taken for reducing all the leakage current, a HV adhesive tape has been used for covering all the connections. According to the Lafforgue's theory, no leakage current is required for producing the desired field propulsion effect. He suggests to run all the tests in full vacuum and that the asymmetrical capacitor must be insulated from the surrouding medium with a dielectric. You will notice in the photo below that all the possible sources of leakage current have been removed.
Lafforgue's Field Propulsion Thruster v1.0 specifications
( each unit )
TESTS RESULTS ( 02-06-02 ) :
Always in the aim of reducing leakage current by Corrona effect, I have used only 15 KV DC. So, the working HV current during the test is only 12 uA ( 0.18 W ).
When the High Voltage PS is switched on, the Twin-LFPT apparatus begins to rotate and continue to turn at full speed in the expected direction ( toward the middle armature ). The resulting thrust is indeniable and remains constant so long as the HV power supply is switched on.
See the video of the rotating Twin-LFPT experiment
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Click on the picture above to see the video ( 424 Kb )
LFPT explained : Theory and Principle
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