Brown-Bahnson Saucer - BBS v2.0
TEST with a Dielectric
By Jean-Louis
ici pour la version Française
created on
November 22th, 2002 - JLN Labs
- Last update November 27th, 2002
All informations in this page are published free and
are intended for private/educational purposes and not for
commercial applications
The purpose of this
experiment is to go further in the engineering of the Lifter
device for improving its efficiency. So, I used the same device
design than the BBS 1.0, but I have added a dielectric ( polystyren K=2.5 ) between the two electrodes of this
asymmetrical capacitor. The BBS v2.0 is based on the
Brown-Bahnson saucer patented by Agnew H. Bahnson in 1959 ( French Patent FR1266476 "Appareil pour
produire une poussée lorsqu'on applique une tension électrique
à ses électrodes" (May 12th, 1959) and US
patent US3187206 "Electrokinetic Apparatus"
). The asymmetrical capacitor is composed of two aluminum
electrodes :
- the biggest electrode, placed at the top, is an arcuate
electrode connected to the positive output of the HV power
- the smallest electrode, placed at the bottom, is a cylindrical
armature connected to the negative output of the HV power supply.
A dielectric cylinder maintains a gap between the two electrodes. The Brown-Bahnson Saucer ( BBS v2.0 ) is hanged through the thin copper wire which carries the positive High Voltage. A thin balsa wood stick maintains the negative wire connection in the main axis of the device so as not to disturb the shape of the electric field around the device ( see the diagram below ).
The weight of the BBS v1.0 is 6 g
When the HV power supply is swiched on, the BBS jumps
upward quickly and translates at a high speed.
Brown-Bahnson Saucer specifications
Note : With the use of the dielectric, the thrust is stronger and the device accelerate more quickly than the previous version v1.0 ( with air used as dielectric ). The leakage current in the device is greatly reduced ( the ozone emissions are quasi null ). The geometry efficiency of the BBS is 272% greater than the basic Lifter geometry ( wire + plate ). |
See the videos of the Brown-Bahnson Saucer v2.0 in action
To see the video, the free
downloadable RealPlayer is required
You may download free the RealPlayer 8 Basic at :
Click on the picture above
to see the video ( 741 Kb )
Patents and references :
Brevet Français FR1266476
"Appareil pour produire une poussée lorsqu'on
applique une tension électrique à ses électrodes",
demandé le 12 Mai 1959 par Agnew Hunter Bahnson
US Patent N°2958790 filed on Nov 1,
1960 "Electrical
thrust producing device" from A.H.
Bahnson JR
US Patent N°3227901 filed on Jan 4,
1966 "Electrical
thrust producing device" from A.H.
Bahnson JR
brown by Paul E. Potter
Electrokinetic UFO
by Paul E Potter
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